‏ Ezekiel 42


The Priest's Chambers

1And he brought me into the [2courtyard 1outer], according to the east, opposite of the gate of the one towards the north. And he brought me, and behold, [2inner chambers 1there were five] being next to the space left over, and next to the place separating near the north, 2[2cubits 1a hundred] in length towards the north, and the breadth [2cubits 1fifty], 3being diagramed in which manner the gates of the [2courtyard 1inner], and in which manner the peristyles of the [2courtyard 1outer], were being set in rows facing [2stoas 1three rank]. 4And over against the inner chambers was a promenade [2cubits 1ten] width by [2cubits 1a hundred] in length, for the inner way [2cubit 1one]; and their doorways towards the north. 5And the [2promenades 1upper] were likewise; for [3protruded 1the 2peristyle] from out of it, from out of the [2beneath 1peristyle], and the interval; thus a peristyle and an interval and thus. 6For they were triple, and [3columns 1they did not 2have] as the columns of the inner chambers; on account of this they protruded from the ones beneath, and the ones in the middle from the ground. 7And the doorway outside in which manner the inner chambers of the courtyard of the one outside, the ones looking before the inner chambers of the ones towards the north -- [3in length 2cubits 1fifty]. 8For the length of the inner chambers of the ones looking into the [2courtyard 1outer] -- [2cubits 1fifty]; and these are the ones facing these others. The whole [2cubits 1was a hundred]. 9And the doors of these inner chambers of the entrance of the one towards the east is for one to enter through them from the [2courtyard 1outer] 10according to the light opening of the one at the beginning of the promenade; and towards the south, and the face of the south according to the face of the space left over, and according to the face of the space separating, and the inner chambers. 11And the promenade in front of them, was according to the measures of the inner chambers of the ones towards the north; and according to the length of them, and according to the breadth of them, and according to all their exits, and according to their lights, and according to their doorways 12of the inner chambers of the ones towards the south; according to the doorways at the beginning of the promenade upon a light interval of a reed according to the east of the entering them. 13And he said to me, The inner chambers, the ones towards the north, and the inner chambers, the ones towards the south, being in front of the intervals, these are the inner chambers of the holy place, in which [6eat 7there 1the 2priests 3approaching 4to 5the lord], the holy things of the holies; and there they shall put the holy things of the holies, and the sacrifice offering, and the things for a sin offering, and the things for an ignorance offering; because the place is holy. 14There shall not enter there except the priests, and they shall not come forth from out of the holy place into the [2courtyard 1outer], so that [4always 6holy 3might 5be 1the ones 2leading forward]; so that they should not touch their uniform in which they officiate in them, for it is holy, and they shall put on [2garments 1other] whenever they should touch the people.

Outer Dimensions of the House

15And [5was completed 1the 2measurement 3of the 4house] from inside; and he led me out according to the way of the gate looking according to the east; and he measured the plan of the house round about in arrangement. 16And he stood at the back of the gate looking according to the east, and he measured five hundred with the reed measure. 17And he turned towards the north and measured in front of the north side [2cubits 1five hundred] with the reed measure. 18And he turned towards the west, and he measured in front of the west side, [2cubits 1five hundred] with the reed measure. 19And he turned towards the south, and he measured in front of the south, five hundred with the reed measure. 20The four parts of it, and he set in order their enclosure round about -- five hundred towards the east, and five hundred cubits in breadth to separate between the holy places, and between the area around the wall in arrangement of the house.
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