‏ Ezekiel 6


Against the Mountains of Israel

1And [3came 1the word 2of the lord] to me, saying, 2O son of man, fix your face upon the mountains of Israel, and prophesy against them! 3And you shall say, O mountains of Israel, hear the word of Adonai the lord! Thus says Adonai the lord to the mountains, and to the hills, and to the ravines, and to the groves; Behold, I bring upon you a broadsword, and [2will be utterly destroyed 1your high places]. 4And [4will be broken down 1your altars 2and 3your sacred precincts]. And I will throw down your slain before your idols. And I shall offer the corpses of the sons of Israel in front of their idols. 5And I shall scatter your bones round about your altars. 6In all your house the cities shall be made quite desolate, and the high places shall be obliterated, so that [2shall be utterly destroyed 1your altars], and [2shall be broken 3and 4caused to cease 1your idols], and [2shall be lifted away 1your sacred precincts], and [2shall be wiped away 1your works]. 7And [2shall fall 1slain ones] in your midst, and you shall realize that I am the lord. 8And I shall leave behind some in the taking place of your ones escaping from the broadsword among the nations, and in your being dispersed in the places. 9And [5shall remember 6me 1the ones 2escaping 3of 4yours] among the nations of which they were taken captive there. I have sworn against their heart, against the one fornicating from me; and with their eyes fornicating after their practices. And they shall smite against their faces for the evils which they did in all their abominations. 10And they shall realize that I the lord [2not 8for 9nothing 1have 3spoken 4to do 7against them 5all 6these evils]. 11Thus says the lord; Clap with the hand, and stamp with the foot, and say, Well done, over all the abominations of the house of Israel! By the broadsword, and by plague, and by famine they shall fall. 12The one far away [2by 3plague 1shall come to an end]. And the one near [2by 3the broadsword 1shall fall]. And the one being left behind, and the one being compassed by siege [2by 3famine 1will be finished off]. And I shall exhaust my anger against them. 13And you shall know that I am the lord in [2being 1your slain] in the midst of your idols, round about your altars, upon every [2hill 1high], and on all the tops of the mountains, and underneath [2tree 1every shady], underneath every [2oak 1bushy], of which they offered there a scent of pleasant aroma to all their idols. 14And I shall stretch out my hand against them, and I shall make the land for extinction; even [5for 6ruin 1from 2the 3wilderness 4of Diblath] of all their habitation. And you shall realize that I am the lord.
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