‏ Ezra 9



1And as these things were finished, [2approached 3to 4me 1the 1rulers], saying, [4did not separate 1The 2people 3of Israel], and the priests and the Levites, from the peoples of the lands in their abominations -- of the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Jebusite, the Ammonite, the Moabite, and the Moserite, and the Amorite. 2For they took of their daughters to themselves, and to their sons, and [4mixed together 3seed 1the 2holy] among the peoples of the lands; even by the hand of the rulers and of the commandants in this breach-of-contract in rule. 3And as I heard this word, I tore my garments and my undergarment, and was agitated, and plucked the hair of my head, and of my beard, and sat down for calming. 4And there gathered to me everyone trembling at the word of the God of Israel concerning the breach-of-contract of the resettlement. And I was sitting calming myself until the [2sacrifice 1evening]. 5And during [3sacrifice 1the 2evening] I rose up from my humiliation, and in my tearing my garments, and my undergarment, and I leaned upon my knees, and I spread forth my hands to the lord my God. 6And I said, O lord, I am ashamed and feel shame to raise up, O my God, my face to you; for our lawlessnesses multiplied over our head, and our trespasses are magnified unto the heaven. 7From the days of our fathers we are in [2trespass 1great] until this day. And in our lawless deeds we were delivered up, and our kings, and our priests, into the hand of the kings of the nations, by broadsword, and into captivity, and in seizure, and in shame of our face, as this day. 8And now as [5a little 3was lenient 4to us 1the lord 2our God], to leave us for deliverance, and to give to us reliance in the place of his sanctuary, to enlighten our eyes, and to give [2restoration to life 1a little] in our servitude, 9for we are servants, and in our servitude [3did not 4abandon 5us 1the lord 2our God]; and he leaned [2towards 3us 1mercy] before the kings of the Persians, to give us a restoring to life, for them to exalt the house of our God, and to reestablish its deserted places, and to give to us a fence in Judah and Jerusalem. 10And now, what should we say, O our God, after this? For we abandoned your commandments, 11the ones which you gave to us by the hand of your servants the prophets, saying, The land into which you enter there, to be an heir to it, [2a land 3in motion 1is] by the removal of the peoples of the lands of their abominations, which they filled it from mouth to mouth in their uncleannesses. 12And now, [3your daughters 1do not 2give] to their sons, and of their daughters do not take to your sons, and do not require their peace and their good will into the eon! for you should grow in strength, and should eat the good of the land, and allot it to your sons unto the eon. 13And after all the things coming upon us by our actions in the wicked things, and by [3trespasses 1our 2great], that you our God lightened of us the lawless deeds, and gave to us deliverance; 14for we turned to efface your commandments, and allied by marriage to the peoples of the these lands. You should not be provoked by us unto consumption, so that there should not be one left over and preserved to us. 15O lord God of Israel, you are just, for we were left being preserved as in this day. Behold, we all are before you in our trespasses; for there is no standing before you in this.
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