‏ Galatians 1


Greetings to the Assemblies

1Paul, an apostle, not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ, and God the father, the one raising him from the dead, 2and [2the 4with 5me 1all 3brethren], to the assemblies of Galatia. 3Favor to you and peace from God the father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, 4the one giving himself for our sins, so as to rescue us from out of the present [2age 1wicked], according to the will [2God 3and 4father 1of our], 5to whom be the glory in the eons of the eons. Amen.

Good News

6I marvel that so quickly you are transferred from your calling in favor of Christ, to another good news, 7which is not another; except there are some disturbing you, and wanting to convert the good news of the Christ. 8But even if we or an angel out of heaven should announce good news to you beyond which good news we announced to you, let him be anathema! 9As we described beforehand, and just now again I say, If anyone announces good news to you beyond what you took to yourselves, let him be anathema!

Paul Recounts His Conversion

10For now, [2men 1do I comply with], or God? Or do I seek [2men 1to please]? For if still [2men 1I please], [4Christ's 5bondman 2not 3then 1I was]. 11But I make known to you, brethren, the good news, the good news announced by me, that it is not according to man. 12[3not even 1For 2I 6from 7man 4received 5it], nor was taught it, but through a revelation of Jesus Christ. 13For you heard my behavior at some time or other in Judaism, that according to excess I persecuted the assembly of God, and ravaged it. 14And I progressed in the Judaism beyond many contemporaries among my race, [2exceedingly more 3zealous 1being 5of my fathers 4of the traditions]. 15But when God thought well to separate me from out of the belly of my mother, and called me by his favor, 16to reveal his son in me, that I should announce him good news among the nations; immediately I did not confer with flesh and blood; 17nor went I up to Jerusalem to the [2before 3me 1apostles]; but I went forth to Arabia, and again returned to Damascus. 18Thereupon after [2years 1three] I went up to Jerusalem to inquire of Peter, and I remained with him [2days 1fifteen]. 19But other apostles I did not see, except James the brother of the Lord. 20And what things I write to you, behold, before God that I do not lie. 21Thereupon I came to the regions of Syria and Cilicia. 22And I was not known by face to the assemblies of Judea -- to the ones in Christ. 23Only they were hearing that, The one persecuting us at one time, now announces good news -- the belief; which at one time he ravaged. 24And they glorified [2in 3me 1God].
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