‏ Hebrews 1


Jesus' Exalted State

1In many parts and in various ways earlier, God, having spoken to the fathers by the prophets, 2in [2last 3days 1these] spoke to us by the son, whom he established heir of all things, through whom also [2the 3eons 1he made]; 3who being the radiance of the glory, and impression of his essence, and bearing the whole by the word of his power, by himself [2a cleansing 1making] of our sins, he sat at the right of the greatness in heights; 4[2so much 3better than 1having become] the angels, [3as much 4more diverse 5from 6them 1he has inherited 2a name]. 5For to whom said he at some time or other of the angels? [2my son 1You are], I today engendered you. And again, I will be to him for father, and he will be to me for son. 6[3whenever 1and 2again] he should bring in the first-born into the inhabitable world, he says, And let [4do obeisance to 5him 1all 2angels 3of God]! 7And indeed to the angels he says, The one making the angels his spirits, and his ministers [2of fire 1a flame]. 8But to the son, saying Your throne, O God, into the eon of the eon. A rod of uprightness is the rod of your kingdom. 9You loved righteousness, and detested lawlessness; on account of this [4anointed 5you 1The 2God 3your God] with oil of exultation above your partakers. 10And, saying You in the beginnings, O Lord, [2of the 3earth 1laid the foundation], and the works of your hands are the heavens. 11They shall perish, but you abide; and all as a garment shall grow old. 12And as a wrap-around garment, you shall coil them, and they shall be changed; but you [2the 3same 1are], and your years shall not fail. 13[2to 3which 1And] of the angels said he at some time or other? Sit down at my right, until whenever I should put your enemies as a footstool of your feet! 14[2not 3all 1Are they] ministering spirits, [2in 3service 1being sent] on account of the ones being about to inherit deliverance?
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