‏ Hebrews 10


The New Covenant

1[5a shadow 1For 4having 2the 3law] of the [2about to be 1good things] is not itself the very image of the things, [2yearly 4with the 5same 6sacrifices 1which 3they offer] in perpetuity, and at no time is able [2the ones 3coming forward 1to perfect]. 2Since [2would not 1they] have ceased to be offered. On account of [5would not 6have 7any longer 8conscience 9of sins 1the ones 2serving 3once 4being cleansed]; 3but in these there is a remembrance of sins yearly. 4For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and of he-goats to remove sins. 5Therefore entering into the world, he says, Sacrifice and offering you did not want, but a body you readied for me. 6Whole burnt-offerings and sacrifices for sin you did not think well of. 7Then I said, Behold, I come (in the roll of the scroll it has been written concerning me) to do, O God, your will. 8By earlier saying that, Sacrifice and offering and whole burnt-offerings and for sin offerings you did not want, nor think well of (which [2according to 3the 4law 1are offered]) 9then he said, Behold, I come to do, O God, your will. In this he does away with the first, that the second should be established. 10By which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. 11And indeed every priest stands daily officiating, and [2the 3same 5often 1offering 4sacrifices], which at no time are able to remove sins. 12But he [2one 4for 5sins 1having offered 3sacrifice], in perpetuity sat at the right of God; 13for the remaining time looking out until [2be placed 1his enemies] as a footstool of his feet. 14For by one offering he has perfected in perpetuity the ones having been sanctified. 15[5bears witness 1And 6to us 7also 2the 4spirit 3holy]; for after he describes beforehand, 16This is the covenant which I will ordain with them after those days, says the Lord, putting my laws upon their hearts; and upon their thoughts I will inscribe them; 17and their sins and their lawless deeds in no way shall I remember any longer. 18But where there is a release of these, there is no longer an offering for sin. 19Having then, brethren, confidence for the entrance into the holies by the blood of Jesus, 20which he dedicated to us a way newly made and living, through the veil, that is to say his flesh; 21and having [2priest 1a great] over the house of God, 22let us draw near with a true heart, in full assurance of belief, [3being sprinkled 1with 2hearts] from [2conscience 1a wicked], and [3being bathed 1the 2body 5water 4with clean]. 23Let us hold fast the confession of the hope unwavering! for trustworthy is the one promising. 24And let us mind one another for stimulating love and good works! 25not abandoning the assembling of ourselves, as the custom with some, but encouraging one another, and by so much more as much as you see [3approaching 1the 2day]. 26For where voluntarily we sin after receiving the full knowledge of the truth, no longer [3for 4sins 1is left 2a sacrifice]; 27[3fearful 1but 2a certain] expectation of judgment, and [2fire 1a zealous 4to devour 3being about] the adversaries. 28Anyone disregarding the law of Moses [2without the help 3of compassions 4upon the testimony 5of two 6or 7three 8witnesses 1dies]. 29Of how much do you think worse shall he be worthy of punishment the one [2the 3son 4of God 1having trampled], and [2the 3blood 4of the 5covenant 6as common 1esteeming], in which he was sanctified, and [2the 3spirit 4of favor 1having insulted]? 30For we know the one having said, Punishment is mine, I will recompense, says the Lord. And again, saying The Lord will judge his people. 31It is fearful to fall into the hands of the living God. 32But call to mind the prior days, in which having been enlightened, [2much 3conflict 1you endured] of sufferings; 33this indeed [2both in scornings 3and 4afflictions 1being made a public spectacle]; but by this [2partners 3of the ones 4thus 5behaving in being scorned 1having become]. 34For both in my bonds you sympathized; and the seizure of your possessions with joy you accepted, knowing to have in yourselves a better possession in heavens, and abiding. 35Do not throw off then your confidence, which has [2payment 1great]. 36[4of endurance 1For 2you have 3need], that [2the 3will 4of God 1having done], you should receive the promise, saying, 37For yet a little while the one coming shall come, and will not delay. 38But the just [2of 3belief 1shall live]; and if he keeps back, [2takes no pleasure 1my soul] in him. 39But we are not keeping back to destruction, but of belief for a procurement of life.
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