‏ Hebrews 8


The Chief Priest of the New Covenant

1But the total sum upon the things being spoken is, [2such 1we have] a chief priest, one who sat at the right of the throne of the greatness in the heavens, 2[2of the 3holies 1a minister], and of the [2tent 1true], which [3pitched 1the 2Lord], and not man. 3For every chief priest [2for 3the 4offering 5both gifts 6and 7sacrifices 1is ordained]. Whereupon it is important [3to have 4something 1even 2this one] which he should offer. 4For if indeed he was upon the earth, not even would he be a priest, there being the priests of the ones offering [3according to 4the 5law 1the 2gifts]; 5the ones who [2the example 3and 4shadow 1serve] of the heavenly things, as Moses was divinely instructed, being about to complete the tent. For see, says he, you shall make all things according to the model having been shown to you on the mountain. 6But now a more diverse [2he has attained 1ministration], in as much as also [3of a better 1he is 4covenant 2mediator], which [2upon 3better 4promises 1is established]. 7For if that first covenant was blameless, [2would not 5for a second 1there 3be sought 4place]. 8For complaining against them he says, Behold, days come, says the Lord, and I will complete upon the house of Israel and upon the house of Judah [2covenant 1a new]; 9not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers, in the day of my taking hold of their hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; for they did not adhere to my covenant, and I neglected them, says the Lord. 10But this is the covenant which I will ordain with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord, imputing my laws into their thought, and [3upon 4their hearts 1I will inscribe 2them]; and I will be to them for God, and they will be to me for a people; 11and in no way [2teach 1should each] his neighbor, nor each his brother, saying, Know the Lord! For all shall know me, from their small unto their great. 12For I will be propitious to their unrighteousness and their sins; and their lawless deeds in no way should I remember any more. 13In the saying, New, he has made [3old 1the 2first]. And the one being old and growing old is near extinction.
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