‏ Isaiah 30


Woe on Relying upon Egypt

1Woe, O children of defectors! Thus says the lord, You made counsel, but not through me; and treaties not by my spirit, to add sins upon sins. 2The ones going went down into Egypt (but of me they did not ask) to be helped by Pharaoh, and sheltered by the Egyptians. 3[5will be 1For 6to you 2the 3protection 4by Pharaoh] for shame, and the ones relying upon Egypt for scorn. 4For [4are 2in 3Tanis 1chiefs 6messengers 5evil]. 5In folly they labor over a people who shall not benefit them, neither for help, nor for benefit, but for shame, and scorn.

The Vision of the Four-footed

6The vision of the four-footed, of the ones in the wilderness. In the affliction and in the straits are the lion and [2cub 1lion's]; from there also asps and the progeny [2asps 1of flying]; the ones who brought upon donkeys and camels of their riches to a nation who shall not benefit them for help, but for shame and scorn. 7The Egyptians [3in vain 4and 5with emptiness 1shall benefit 2you]. Report to them that, [4is vain 2comfort 3of yours 1This]!

The Calamitous Downfall

8Now then while sitting, write [2upon 3a writing-tablet 1these things], and upon a scroll, for [2shall be 3for 4times 5of days 1these things], and even into the eon. 9For a people are resisting persuasion; [2sons 1lying] who were not willing to hear the law of God. 10The ones saying to the prophets, Do not announce to us! and to the ones [2the 3visions 1that see], Do not speak to us, but speak to us, and announce to us another addicting delusion, 11and turn us from this way! Remove from us this road, and remove from us the oracle of Israel! 12On account of this, thus says the lord, the holy one of Israel, Because you resisted persuasion to these words, and hoped upon a lie, and that you grumbled, and [2relying 1became] upon this word. 13Therefore this will be to you -- this sin will be as a wall [3falling 4immediately 2city 1of a fortified] being captured, of which immediately is at hand the calamitous downfall. 14And the calamitous downfall of it will be as the breaking of a receptacle of earthenware of [2clay vessel 1a thin], so that there should not be found among them even a potsherd in which [2coals of fire 1to lift], and with which to whistle up [2water 1a little]. 15Thus says the Lord, the lord, the holy one of Israel, Whenever turning you should moan, then shall you be delivered. And you shall know where you were when you relied upon the vanities; [3vain 1your strength 2became], and you did not want to hear. 16But you said, Upon horses we shall flee. On account of this you shall flee and say, [2upon 3light 4riders 1we will be]; on account of this [5nimble 4will be 1the ones 2pursuing 3you]. 17On account of [2voice 1one 4shall flee 3thousands]; and because of the voice of five [2shall flee 1many] until whenever you should be left behind as a mast upon a mountain, and as a flag borne upon a hill.

God is Merciful

18And again [2will wait 1God] so as to pity you. And on account of this he shall be raised up high to show mercy on you, because [4judge 1the lord 2your God 3is]. Blessed are all the ones adhering in him. 19For [2people 1the holy 4in 5Zion 3shall live]. And Jerusalem in weeping wept, saying, Show mercy on me! He shall show mercy on you. [3the 4sound 5of your cry 1When 2he perceived] he heeded you. 20The lord shall give to you bread of affliction, and [2water 1scant]. And [4no longer 5shall 6approach 7to you 1the ones 2misleading 3you]. For your eyes shall discover the ones misleading you, 21and your ears shall hearken to the words of the ones following after you, misleading you. The ones saying, This is the way, we should go by it, whether right or whether left. 22And you shall remove the idols being silver plated; and the ones being gilded [2fine dust 1you shall make into]; and you shall winnow as the water of a woman sitting apart, and [3as 4dung 1you shall thrust 2them away]. 23Then there will be rain for the seed of your land; and the bread from the produce of your land will be plenteous and lustrous; and [3shall graze 1your 2cattle] in that day in a place fertile and broad-spaced. 24 Your bulls and oxen working the ground shall eat straw being prepared from barley being winnowed. 25And there shall be upon every [2mountain 1high], and upon every [2hill 1elevated], water traveling over in that day, whenever [2should be destroyed 1many], and whenever [2shall fall 1towers]. 26And [5shall be 1the 2light 3of the 4moon] as the light of the sun; and the light of the sun will be seven-fold in the day whenever the lord should heal the breaking up of his people, and [2the 3grief 4of your calamity 1shall heal].

Burning Rage

27Behold, the name the lord comes after [2time 1a long], burning rage with glory. The oracle of his lips is an oracle [2of anger 1full], and the anger of his rage [2as 3fire 1shall devour]. 28And his breath, as water [2in 3a ravine 1being dragged along], shall come unto the neck, and be divided. He shall disturb nations for [2addiction to a delusion 1a vain], and [2shall pursue 3them 1an addiction to a delusion], and it shall take them according to their face. 29 [3always 1Must 2you] be glad and enter into my holy places always, as the ones solemnizing a holiday? and as ones being glad to enter with a pipe, into the mountain of the lord, to the God of Israel? 30And [3audible 2will make 1the lord] the glory of his voice; and the rage of his arm he will show with rage and anger. And as a flame devouring he shall strike with a thunderbolt violently; even as water and hail being carried together by force. 31For by the voice of the lord the Assyrians shall be vanquished, even by the calamity in which he should strike them. 32And it will be to him round about, from where was to him hope for help, upon whom he relied upon; they with tambourines and harps shall wage war on him from out of revolt. 33For you [2before 3some days 1shall be exacted]; not also for you was it prepared to reign? [2ravine 1a deep], wood being situated near a fire, and [2wood 1much]; the rage of the lord as a ravine [2under 3sulphur 1burning].
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