‏ Isaiah 40


A Voice Yelling in the Wilderness

1Take comfort! take comfort! my people, says your God. 2O priests, speak to the heart of Jerusalem! Comfort her! for [2was filled up 1her humiliation]; [3is untied 1her 2sin]; for she received from the hand of the lord double her sins. 3A voice yelling in the wilderness, Prepare the way of the lord! [2straight 1Make] the roads of our God! 4Every ravine shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be lowered; and [4shall be 1all 2the 3crooked paths] for straight, and the rough into [2plains 1smooth]. 5And [4shall be seen 1the 2glory 3of the lord]; and [3shall see 1all 2flesh] the deliverance of God, for the lord said it. 6A voice saying, Yell! And I said, What shall I yell? All flesh is as grass, and all glory of man is as the flower of grass. 7[3is dried 1The 2grass], and the flower fell off, for breath of God breathed in it. Truly the grass is the people. 8[3is dried 1The 2grass], the flower fell off, but the word of our God abides into the eon. 9[2upon 4mountain 3the high 1Ascend]! O one announcing good news of Zion. Raise up high in the strength of your voice! O one announcing good news of Jerusalem. Raise it up high! Do not fear! Say to the cities of Judah! Behold, your God. 10Behold, the Lord. The lord [2with 3strength 1comes], even the arm with dominion. Behold, his wage is with him, and the work before him. 11As a shepherd, he shall tend his flock; and his arm shall gather the lambs, and [3one in 4the womb 2the one having 1he shall comfort].

Israel's Incomparable God

12Who measured [3with the 4hand 1the 2water], and the heaven with a span, and all the earth in a handful? Who established the mountains weight, and the groves in a yoke balance scale? 13Who knew the mind of the lord? and who [2his 3counselor 1became]? Who shall instruct him? 14Or whom did he take up advice with, and instructed him? Or who showed to him equity? Or [4a way 5of understanding 1who 2showed 3to him]? 15Since all the nations [2as 3a drop 4from 5a pail 6and 7as 8the crux 9of a yoke balance scale 1were considered]; and [2as 3saliva 1they are considered]. 16 And Lebanon is not fit for burning, and all the four-footed are not fit for a whole offering; 17and all the nations [2as 3nothing 1are], and [2as 3nothing 1were considered] to him. 18To whom did you liken the lord, and to what representation did you liken him? 19Has not [3an image 2made 1the fabricator]? or the goldsmith having cast gold, gilt it over, [3for a representation 1and carefully prepared 2it]? 20[5wood 1For 4incorruptible 3chooses 2the fabricator], and wisely seeks how to station his image, that it should not be shaken. 21Will you not know? Will you not hear? Was it not announced from the beginning to you? Did you not know the foundations of the earth? 22He is the one controlling the curve of the earth, and the ones dwelling in it are as locusts; He is the one establishing [3as 4a vault 1the 2heaven], and extending it out as a tent to dwell in; 23the one establishing rulers [2as 3nothing 1to rule]; [3the 1and 4earth 5as 6nothing 2he made]. 24For in no way shall they plant, nor shall they sow, nor shall they be rooted in the earth of their root. He breathed upon them, and they were dried up; and a blast [3as 4sticks 1shall take 2them away]. 25Now then, to whom did you liken me that I shall be exalted, said the holy one? 26Look up into the height with your eyes, and behold! Who introduced all these things? The one bringing forth [2by 3number 1his cosmos] [2all things 3by 4name 1shall call] by great glory, and by the might of strength. Nothing of which you are unaware. 27[3not 1For 2you should] say, O Jacob, and why did you speak, O Israel, saying, [2was concealed 1My way] from God, and my God [2judgment 1removed], and departed. 28And now, did you not know? Have you not heard? [2God 1the eternal], the God carefully preparing the tips of the earth, he shall not hunger nor tire, nor is there a finding out of his intelligence; 29giving [2to the ones 3hungering 1strength], and [2to the ones 3not 4grieving 1distress]. 30[3shall hunger 1For 2younger men], and [2shall tire 1the young], and the chosen men [2without strength 1will be]. 31But the ones waiting upon God shall change in strength; they shall grow wings as eagles; they shall run and shall not tire; they shall proceed and shall not hunger.
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