‏ Isaiah 52


The LORD Restores Jerusalem

1Awaken! Awaken, O Zion! Put on your strength, O Zion! And you, put on your glory, O Jerusalem, [3city 1the 2holy]! No longer shall there proceed to go through you uncircumcised and unclean. 2Shake off the dust and rise up! Sit, O Jerusalem! Take off the bond from your neck, O captive daughter of Zion! 3For thus says the lord, [2without charge 1You were sold], and [2not 4with 5silver 1you shall 3be ransomed]. 4For thus says the Lord the lord. To Egypt [2went down 1My people] formerly to sojourn there, and [2into 3Assyria 4by force 1they were led]. 5And now, why shall you be here? Thus says the lord, Because [2were taken 1my people] without charge, wonder and shriek! Thus says the lord, On account of you, [2always 1my name] is being blasphemed among the nations. 6On account of this, [2shall know 1my people] my name. On account of this in that day, for I am he, the one speaking; I am at hand. 7As an hour upon the mountains, as feet announcing good news, the hearing of peace, as of announcing good news -- good things; for audibly I will produce your deliverance, saying, Zion, [2shall reign 1Your God]. 8The voice of the ones guarding you is exalted, and with the voice together they shall be glad. For eyes to eyes shall see when ever the lord should show mercy on Zion.

The LORD Will Show Mercy

9Let [4break asunder 5with gladness 6together 1the 2desolate places 3of Jerusalem]! for the lord showed mercy on her, and rescued Jerusalem. 10And the lord shall uncover [2arm 1his holy] in the presence of all the nations. And [6shall see 1all 2the 3uttermost parts 4of the 5earth] the deliverance by our God. 11Leave! Leave! Go forth from there, and the unclean thing do not touch! Go forth from out of the midst of it! Separate yourselves, O ones bearing the vessels of the lord! 12For [2not 4with 5disturbance 1you shall 3come forth], nor [2in flight into exile 1shall you go forth]. [3shall go before 1For 4prior 5of you 2the lord]; and the one assembling you is the God of Israel. 13Behold, [2shall perceive 1my servant], and he shall be exalted, and he shall be glorified, and he shall be raised up on high exceedingly. 14In which manner [2shall be amazed 3by 4you 1many], so [4shall be despised 5by 6men 1the 2sight 3of your appearance], and your glory by the sons of men. 15Thus [3shall wonder 2nations 1many] over him; and [2shall hold 1kings] their mouth. For to whom it was not announced concerning him, they shall see; and the ones who heard not shall perceive.
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