‏ James 1


Godly Endurance

1James, [2of God 3and 4the Lord 5Jesus 6Christ, 1bondman], to the twelve tribes, to the ones in the dispersion, Hail! 2[2all 3joy 1Esteem it], my brethren, whenever [3tests 1you should fall into 2various]! 3knowing that the proving [3of yours 1of the 2belief] manufactures endurance; 4 and [2endurance 5work 4its perfect 1let 3have]! that you should be perfect and entire, with nothing missing. 5And if anyone of you miss wisdom, let him ask of the giving God! to all simply, and not berating, and it shall be given to him. 6But let him ask in belief, [2nothing 1scrutinizing]! For the one scrutinizing is like a swell of the sea driven by wind and being blown about. 7[3not 1For 2let 6imagine 5man 4that] that he shall receive anything from the Lord! 8[2man 1he is a double-minded], confused in all his ways. 9[2let 6boast 1But 3the 5brother 4humble] in his stature, 10and the rich in his humiliation! for as the flower of grass, he will pass away. 11[4rose 1For 2the 3sun] with the burning wind, and dried the grass, and its flower fell, and the beauty of its countenance perished; so also the rich one in his goings shall wither. 12Blessed is a man who endures test; for [2unadulterated 1becoming], he shall receive the crown of life, which [3promised 1the 2Lord] to the ones loving him. 13[2no one 3being tested 1Let] say that, From God I am tested! For God is beyond testing by evils, [3tests 1and 2he himself] no one. 14But each is tested by his own desire, being dragged away and being entrapped. 15So then the desire having conceived, gives birth to sin; but sin being perpetrated, engenders death. 16Do not be misled, [3brethren 1my 2beloved]! 17Every [2portion 1good] and every [2gift 1perfect] [2from above 1is], coming down from the father of the lights, of whom there is no alteration or [2circuit 1shaded].

Engendered by the Word

18Willingly he engendered us by word of truth, for us being certain first-fruit of the ones of his creations. 19So that, [3brethren 1my 2beloved], let [3be 1every 2man] quick in the hearing, slow in the speaking, slow in anger! 20[3anger 1For 2man's 6righteousness 7of God 4does not 5manufacture]. 21Therefore, having put aside all filthiness and abundance of evil, in gentleness, receive the implanted word! the one being able to deliver your souls. 22But become doers of the word! and not only listeners, misleading yourselves. 23For if any [2a listener 3of the word 1is], and not a doer, this one is like a man contemplating the face of his creation in a mirror; 24for he contemplated himself, and went forth, and immediately forgot what he was like. 25But the one having leaned over into [2law 1the perfect], the one of the freedom, and remained, this one is not [3listener 2a forgetful 1becoming], but a doer of work, this one [2blessed 3in 4his doing 1shall be]. 26If anyone seems to be religious among you, and not bridling his tongue, but deceiving his heart, of this one [2is in vain 1religion]. 27Religion pure and undefiled before the God and father is this -- to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, [3spotless 2oneself 1to keep] from the world.
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