‏ James 2


Concerning Discrimination

1My brethren, [2no 4in 3discrimination 1have] the belief of our Lord Jesus Christ of the glory! 2For if [2should enter 3into 4your gathering 1a man] wearing gold rings in [2attire 1bright], and there should enter also a poor man in filthy attire, 3and you should look unto the one wearing the [2attire 1bright], and should say to him, You sit down here, well! And to the poor man you should say, You stand there! or, Sit down here under my footstool! 4Then did you not discriminate among yourselves, and became judges [2thoughts 1of evil]? 5Hearken, [3brethren 1my 2beloved]! Did not God choose the poor of this world, rich in belief, and heirs of the kingdom of which he promised to the ones loving him? 6But you dishonored the poor. Do not the rich tyrannize over you, and they draw you to judgment seats? 7[3not 2they 1Do] blaspheme the good name, the one [2are called 3by 1you]? 8If however [3law 1you fulfill 2the royal] according to the scripture -- You shall love your neighbor as yourself; [2well 1you do]. 9But if you discriminate because of appearance, [2sin 1you practice], being reproved by the law as violators. 10For whoever [2the entire 3law 1shall give heed to], but shall be at fault in one thing, he has become liable of all. 11For the one having said, You shall not commit adultery, said also, You shall not murder. But if you shall not commit adultery, but shall murder, you have become a violator of the law. 12So speak and so do as by the law of freedom! being about to be judged. 13 For judgment is merciless to the one not having mercy, and [2glories over 1mercy] judgment.

Belief and Works

14What is the benefit, my brethren, if [4belief 2should say 1anyone 3to have], [5works 1but 3not 2should 4have]? Shall [3be able 1the 2belief] to deliver him? 15And if a brother or sister [2naked 1should be], and should be forsaken of the daily nourishment, 16and [4should say 1anyone 5to them 2among 3you], Go in peace, be warmed and filled! [2does not 3give 1but] to them the things needful of the body, what is the benefit? 17So also the belief, if [2not 4works 1it should 3have] it is dead by itself. 18But one shall say, You [2belief 1have], and I [2works 1have]. Show to me the belief of yours from out of your works! and I will show to you from out of my works the belief of mine. 19You believe that God is one. [2well 1You do], even the demons believe and shudder. 20But you want to know, O [2man 1vain], that the belief separate from works is dead? 21[3Abraham 4our Father 2not 6by 7works 1Was 5justified], having offered Isaac his son upon the altar? 22Do you see that the belief was working together with his works, and by the works the belief was perfected? 23And [3was fulfilled 1the 2scripture], the one saying, [3believed 1And 2Abraham] in God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness; and [2friend 3of God 1he was called]. 24See therefore that by works [2is justified 1a man], and not by belief only! 25And in like manner also Rahab the harlot -- [2not 4by 5works 1was she 3justified], welcoming the messengers and [2by another 3way 1putting them out]? 26For as the body separate from spirit is dead, so also the belief separate from the works is dead.
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