‏ Jeremiah 16


Judgment and Threat of Exile

1And [3came 1the word 2of the lord] to me saying, 2You should not take a wife, and there shall not be engendered to you a son nor daughter in this place. 3For thus says the lord, Concerning the sons and the daughters of the ones being engendered in this place, and concerning their mothers giving them birth, and concerning their fathers engendering them in this land; 4by [2death 1a diseased] they shall die; they shall not be lamented, and they shall not be entombed; for [2an example 3upon 4the face 5of the 6earth 1they will be]. By the sword they shall fall, and in hunger they shall be finished off entirely. And [2shall be 1their corpses] for food to the wild beasts of the earth, and to the winged creatures of the heaven. 5Thus says the lord, You should not enter into their revelry, and you should not go in to lament, and you should not mourn them. For I have removed my peace from this people, says the lord, even mercy and charity. 6And [4shall die 1great 2and 3small] in this land. They shall not be buried, and they shall not be lamented, they shall not beat their chest for them, nor [2cuts 1shall they make], and they shall not be shaven; 7and in no way should [2be broken 1bread] in their mourning for consolation over one having died; they shall not give a drink for them of a cup for consolation over his father or his mother. 8[4into 5a residence 6with a banquet 2shall not 3enter 1You] to sit down with them to eat and to drink. 9For thus says the lord God of Israel, Behold, I depose from out of this place before your eyes, and in your days a voice of joy, and a voice of gladness, the voice of the groom, and the voice of the bride. 10And it will be whenever you should announce to this people all these matters, then they shall say to you, Why did the lord speak against us all these evils? What is our injustice, and what is our sin which we sinned before the lord our God? 11And you shall say to them, Because [2abandoned 3me 1your fathers], says the lord; and they set out after strange gods, and they served to them, and did obeisance to them; and they abandoned me, and [3my law 1they did not 2keep]. 12And you were wicked above your fathers. And behold, you [2go 1each] after the things pleasing your heart -- the evils, to not obey me. 13And I will throw you away from this land, into a land which you knew not -- you and your fathers. And you shall serve there strange gods day and night, the ones that shall not grant mercy to you.

Future Restoration

14On account of this, behold, days come, says the lord, and [2not 1they shall 4say 3still], As the lord lives, the one leading up the sons of Israel from out of the land of Egypt. 15But they shall say, As the lord lives, who led the house of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the places where they were pushed out there. And I shall restore them unto their land which I gave to their fathers. 16Behold, I send [2fishermen 1many], says the lord, and they shall fish them. And after these I shall send many hunters, and they shall hunt them upon every mountain, and upon every hill, and from out of the holes of the rocks. 17For my eyes are upon all their ways, and [2were not hid 1their offences] before my eyes. 18And I shall recompense double their iniquities, and their sins upon which they profaned my land by the decaying flesh of their abominations, and by their lawless deeds in which they filled my inheritance. 19O lord my strength and my help and my refuge in a day of evils. To you nations shall come from the ends of the earth. And they shall say, O how false [3acquired 2our fathers 1the idols], and there is no [2in 3them 1benefit]. 20Shall [2make 3for himself 1a man] gods, and these are not gods? 21On account of this, behold, I will make manifest to them [2in 3this time 1my hand]; and I shall make known to them my power; and they shall know that my name is the lord.
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