‏ Job 42


Job's defense

1And undertaking, Job [2to the 3 lord 1says], 2I know that in all things you are able, [3is powerless 1and 4to you 2nothing]. 3For who is the one hiding you counsel, and sparing words, and [3you 1imagines 2to hide]? And who announces to me things which I knew not, great and wonderful, things which I had no knowledge? 4But hear me, O lord! for I also shall speak. And I will ask you, and you teach me! 5Hearing indeed in my ear, I heard of you formerly; but now my eye sees you. 6Therefore I treated [2as worthless 1myself], and I was melted away; and I esteem myself earth and ashes.

Job Acquitted

7And it came to pass after the [2speaking 1 lord] all these words to Job, [3said 1the 2 lord] to Eliphaz the Temanite, You sinned and [2two 3friends 1your], [3not 1for 2you spoke 5before 6me 7true 4anything], as my attendant Job. 8And now, take seven calves, and seven rams, and go to my attendant Job! and he shall offer a yield offering for you, for in no way [2of his face 1shall I receive], for but on account of him I would have destroyed you. [3not 1For 2you did] speak true concerning my attendant Job. 9And they went -- Eliphaz the Temanite, and Baldad the Shuhite, and Sophar the Minean. And they went as [3ordered 4them 1the 2 lord], and he dismissed their sin because of Job.

The LORD Gives Job Double

10And the lord increased Job. [3making a vow 1And 2of his] and because of being his friends he forgave to them the sin. [4gave 1And 2the 3 lord] double, as much as was Job's before, by doubling. 11[6heard 1And 2all 3his brothers 4and 5his sisters] all the things coming to pass to him. And came to him even all as many as knew him at first. And eating and drinking with him, they comforted him. And they wondered upon all which [3brought 4upon 5him 1the 2 lord]. [2they 4gave 1And 5to him 3each 7ewe-lamb 6one], and a four-drachma [2gold 1piece of unmarked]. 12And the lord blessed the latter end of Job than the former. [4was 1And 3cattle 2his] -- [3sheep 1ten thousand 2four thousand], [2camels 1six thousand], [2teams 3of oxen 1a thousand], [4donkeys 2female 3grazing 1a thousand]. 13And there were born to him [2sons 1seven] and [2daughters 1three]. 14And he called the first, Day, and the second, Keziah, and the third, Amalthaia's Horn. 15And there were not found according to the daughters of Job better than they among the places under heaven. [4gave 1And 5to them 2their 3father] an inheritance among the brethren. 16[3lived 1And 2Job] after the calamity [3years 1a hundred 2forty]. And Job saw his sons, and the sons of his sons, to the fourth generation. 17And Job came to an end an old man and full of days.
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