‏ Leviticus 23


Holidays of The LORD

1And the lord spoke to Moses, saying, 2Speak to the sons of Israel! And you shall say to them, The holiday feasts of the lord which you shall call them [2convocations 1for holy] -- these are my holiday feasts. 3Six days you shall do work, but the [2day 1seventh] is a Sabbath rest, [2convocation 1a holy] to the lord. All work you shall not do, it is a Sabbath to the lord in all your house. 4These are the holiday feasts to the lord, [2convocations 1holy], which you shall call them in their seasons.

Holiday of Passover and Unleavened Breads

5In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, between the evenings is a passover to the lord. 6And on the fifteenth day of this month is the holiday feast of the unleavened breads to the lord. Seven days you shall eat unleavened breads. 7And the [2day 1first 5convocation 4a holy 3will be] to you; [3any 5work 4servile 1you shall not 2do]. 8And you shall bring a whole burnt-offering to the lord seven days. And the [2day 1seventh 5convocation 4a holy 3will be] to you. [3any 5work 4servile 1You shall not 2do].

Holiday of First-fruits

9And the lord spoke to Moses, saying, 10Speak to the sons of Israel! And you shall say to them, Whenever you should enter into the land which I give to you, and should harvest its harvest, that you shall bring the sheaf first-fruit of your harvest to the priest. 11And he shall offer the sheaf before the lord accepted for you. On the next day of the first [3shall offer 4it 1the 2priest]. 12And you shall offer on the day in which ever you should bring the sheaf -- a sheep unblemished of a year old for a whole burnt-offering to the lord. 13And with its sacrifice two tenths of fine flour being prepared in olive oil, a sacrifice to the lord for a scent of pleasant aroma to the lord; and its libation -- the fourth of the hin of wine. 14And bread and [2parched 3green wheat 1new] you shall not eat until [2same 3day 1this], until whenever you should offer the gifts to your God -- [2law 1an eternal] unto your generations in every dwelling of yours.

Holiday of Pentecost

15And you shall count to yourselves from the next day of the Sabbaths, from the day which ever you should bring the sheaf of the increase offering, seven [2periods of seven 1entire]; 16until the next day of the last period of seven you shall count fifty days, and you shall bring [2sacrifice offering 1a new] to the lord. 17From your houses you shall bring bread loaves, an increase offering; [2two 3bread loaves 4of 5two 6tenths 7of fine flour 1they shall be], [2being leaven 1baked] of the first produce to the lord. 18And you shall bring with the bread loaves seven [2lambs 1unblemished] of a year old, and [2calf 1one] of the herd, and [3rams 1two 2unblemished]. And they shall be a whole burnt-offering to the lord, and their sacrifice offerings, and their libations, a sacrifice scent of pleasant aroma to the lord. 19And they shall offer a young he-goat from out of the goats -- one for a sin offering, and two lambs of a year old for a sacrifice of deliverance offering with the bread loaves of the first produce. 20And [3shall place 4them 1the 2priest] with the bread loaves of the first produce increase offering before the lord, with the two lambs. They shall be holy to the lord -- to the priest bringing them, to him it will be. 21And you shall call this day a convocation, it shall be holy to you. [3any 5work 4servile 1You shall not 2do] on it. [2law 1It is an eternal] unto your generations in all your house. 22And whenever you shall harvest the harvest of your land, you shall not complete the remainder of the harvest of your field in your harvesting. And the fall away portions of your harvest you shall not collect together -- for the poor and for the foreigner you shall leave them. I am the lord your God.

Memorial of Trumpets

23And the lord spoke to Moses, saying, 24Speak to the sons of Israel, saying! The [2month 1seventh], day one of the month will be to you a rest, a memorial of trumpets, [2convocation 1a holy] to the lord. 25[3any 5work 4servile 1You shall not 2do], and you shall bring a whole burnt-offering to the lord. 26And the lord spoke to Moses, saying, 27Also on the tenth [2month 1of this seventh] is a day of making an atonement, [3convocation 2a holy 1it will be] to you. And you shall humble your souls, and you shall bring a whole burnt-offering to the lord. 28All work you shall not do in it, in this day; [3is 1for 5a day 6of making an atonement 2this 4to you]; to atone for you before the lord your God. 29Every soul who shall not be humbled in it, in this day, shall be utterly destroyed from among its people. 30And every soul which shall do work in it, in this day, [2shall be destroyed 1that soul] from among its people. 31All work you shall not do; [2law 1it is an eternal] unto your generations in all your houses. 32A Sabbath of Sabbaths it will be to you. And you shall humble your souls from the ninth of the month. From evening to evening you shall observe the Sabbath of your Sabbaths.

Holiday of Tents

33And the lord spoke to Moses, saying, 34Speak to the sons of Israel! saying, The fifteenth of the [2month 1seventh], this is a holiday of tents seven days to the lord. 35And the [2day 1first 5convocation 4a holy 3shall be] to you; [3any 5work 4servile 1you shall not 2do]. 36Seven days you shall bring the whole burnt-offerings to the lord, and the [2day 1eighth 5convocation 4a holy 3will be] to you. And you shall bring a whole burnt-offering to the lord, it is a holiday recess. [3any 5work 4servile 1You shall not 2do]. 37These are holiday feasts to the lord which you shall call them [2convocations 1holy], so as to bring a yield offering to the lord, whole burnt-offerings, and their sacrifices, and libation offerings; the thing according to day by day; 38besides the Sabbaths of the lord, and besides your gifts, and besides all your vows, and besides all your voluntary offerings, which ever you shall give to the lord. 39And on the fifteenth day [2month 1of this seventh], whenever you should complete gathering the produce of the land, you shall solemnize a holiday to the lord for seven days; on the [2day 1first] a rest, and on the [2day 1eighth] a rest. 40And you shall take to yourselves on the [2day 1first] [2fruit 3of the tree 1beautiful], and palm branches of palm trees, and tender branches [2tree 1of a bushy], and willows, and [2of the chaste tree 1tender branches] by the rushing stream; and you shall be glad before the lord your God seven days. 41And you shall solemnize [2a holiday 1it] -- the holiday to the lord seven days of the year; [2law 1an eternal] unto your generations. In the [2month 1seventh] you shall solemnize [2a holiday 1it]. 42In tents you shall dwell for seven days. All the native born in Israel shall dwell in tents, 43so that [2should see 1your generations] that in tents I settled the sons of Israel, in my leading them from the land of Egypt. I am the lord your God. 44And Moses told the holidays of the lord to the sons of Israel.
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