‏ Luke 19


Jesus and Zacchaeus

1And having entered he went through Jericho. 2And behold, there was a man by name being called Zacchaeus, and he was a chief tax collector, and this one was rich. 3And he was seeking to see Jesus, who he is. And he was not able because of the multitude, for his stature was small. 4And having run in front, he ascended up a wild fig-tree, that he should behold him; for by that place he was about to go. 5And as he came unto the place, having looked up, Jesus beheld him, and said to him, Zacchaeus, making haste come down! for today in your house it is necessary for me to remain. 6And making haste, he came down, and welcomed him rejoicing. 7And having seen, all complained, saying that, With a sinful man he enters to rest up. 8But standing, Zacchaeus said to the Lord, Behold, the half of my possessions, O Lord, I give to the poor; and if to any what I extorted, I will give back fourfold. 9[3said 1And 4to 5him 2Jesus] that, Today deliverance [2in this house 1took place], in so far as he also [2a son 3of Abraham 1is]. 10[5came 1For 2the 3son 4of man] to seek and to deliver the one being lost.

The Parable of the Minas

11[3hearing 1And 2in their] these things, adding he spoke a parable on account of [3near 1his 2being] Jerusalem, and their thinking that immediately [4was about 1the 2kingdom 3of God] to appear. 12He said then, [3man 1A certain 2well-born] went unto a place afar, to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. 13And having called ten of his servants, he gave to them ten minas, and said to them, Be engaged in matters until I return. 14And his citizens detested him, and sent an embassy after him, saying, We do not want this one to reign over us. 15And it came to pass in his returning back, having received the kingdom, that he spoke [2to be called 3to him 1for these servants], the ones to whom he gave the money, that he should know what business each did. 16And came the first saying, O master, your minas gained an additional ten minas. 17And he said to him, Good, O good servant; for in the least [2trustworthy 1you were], let there be for you [2authority 1having] above ten cities! 18And [3came 1the 2second], saying, O master, Your mina made five minas. 19And he said also to this one, And you become above five cities. 20And another came saying, O master, behold, your mina which I have is being reserved in a scarf. 21For I feared you, for [3man 2a stern 1you are], for you take up what you rendered not, and you harvest what you sowed not. 22And he says to him, From out of your mouth I will judge you, O wicked servant. You knew that I [3man 2a stern 1am], taking up what I rendered not, and harvesting what I sowed not. 23And therefore why did you not give my money unto the money lenders table, and I having come [3with 4interest 1would have exacted 2it]? 24And to the ones standing by, he said, Take from him the mina, and give it to the one [2ten 3minas 1having]! 25And they said to him, O master, he has ten minas. 26For I say to you that, To every one having, it shall be given; but of the one not having, even what he has shall be taken from him. 27Furthermore, my enemies, those of the ones not wanting me to reign over them, lead them here and butcher them in front of me!

Jesus Enters Jerusalem

28And having said these things, he went ahead, ascending unto Jerusalem. 29And it came to pass as he approached unto Bethphage and Bethany, to the mountain, the one being called Olives, he sent two of his disciples, 30having said, Go unto the opposite town; in which entering you will find a foal being tied, upon which no one [2at any time 1of men] sat. Having untied him, lead him. 31And if anyone asks you, On account of why do you untie? thus shall you say to him that, His master [2need 1has]. 32And going forth, the ones having been sent found it as he said to them. 33[3untying 1And 2of their] the foal, [2said 1his masters] to them, Why do you untie the foal? 34And they said, His master [2need 1has]. 35And they led him to Jesus. And having cast their own garments upon the foal, they sat Jesus upon him. 36[3going 1And 2of his], they spread their garments in the way. 37[3approaching 1And 2of his] already to the descent of the Mount of Olives, [6began 1all 2the 3multitude 4of the 5disciples] rejoicing to praise God [2voice 1with a great] for all which they beheld of works of power, 38saying, Blessed be the coming king in the name of the Lord; peace in heaven, and glory in the highest. 39And some of the Pharisees from the multitude said to him, Teacher, reproach your disciples! 40And responding he said to them, I say to you that, if these should keep silent, the stones will have been crying out.

Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem

41And as he approached beholding the city, he wept over it, 42saying that, If you knew, even you, also indeed in [2your day 1this], the things for your peace -- but now it was hidden from your eyes. 43For [2shall come 1days] upon you, that [2shall put 4around 1your enemies 3a siege mound] you, and shall surround you, and shall constrain you from all sides, 44and shall dash you and your children with you, and they shall not leave among you a stone upon a stone; because you knew not the time of your visitation. 45And entering into the temple, he began to cast out the ones selling [3in 4it 1and 2buying]; 46saying to them, It has been written, My house [2a house 3of prayer 1is]; but you made it a cave of robbers. 47And he was teaching by day in the temple. And the chief priests and the scribes were seeking to destroy him, and the foremost of the people. 48And they did not find what they should do; [2the 3people 1for] all depended on hearing him.
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