‏ Mark 6


Jesus is Questioned in His Fatherland

1And he came forth from there, and went into his fatherland; and [2followed 3him 1his disciples]. 2And [2taking place 1the Sabbath], he began [2in 3the 4synagogue 1to teach]; and many hearing were overwhelmed, saying, From where did this one receive these things? And, What wisdom having been given to him, that even [2power 1such 4through 5his hands 3takes place]? 3[2this not 1Is] the son of the fabricator, the son of Mary, and brother of James, and Joses, and Judah, and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us? And they were stumbled by him. 4[3said 1And 4to them 2Jesus] that, [2is not 1A prophet] without honor except in his fatherland, and among the relatives, and in his own house. 5And he was not able [2there 3not even one 4powerful work 1to do], except to a few ill ones, having placed [3upon 1the 2hands], he cured them. 6And he marveled because of their unbelief. And he led about the towns round about, teaching.

Jesus Sends the Twelve Two by Two

7And he calls on the twelve, and begins to send them two by two; and he gave to them authority of the [2spirits 1unclean]. 8And he made exhortation to them that [2nothing 1they should carry] in the way, except a rod only -- no provision bag, no bread, no [2in 3the 4belt 1brass coin]; 9but [2being tied on 1sandals]; and not putting on two inner garments. 10And he said to them, Where ever you should enter into a house, there abide until whenever you should come forth from there! 11And as many as should not receive you, nor should hear you, in going forth from there, you shake off the dust underneath your feet for a testimony to them! Amen I say to you, More endurable it will be for Sodom or Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than that city. 12And having come forth, they proclaimed that they should repent. 13And [3demons 2many 1they cast out], and they anointed [3with oil 1many 2ill ones], and they cured.

Herod Beheads John the Baptist

14And [3heard 1king 2Herod], [4open 1for 3became 2his name]. And he said that, John, the one immersing, [2from 3the dead 1is arisen], and because of this [3operate 1the 2works of power] in him. 15Others said that, He is Elijah. And others said that, He is a prophet, or as one of the prophets. 16And having heard, Herod said that, [2whom 3I 4beheaded 1John], this is he; he was arisen from the dead. 17For he, Herod, having sent, seized John, and bound him in the prison on account of Herodias the wife of Philip his brother; for he married her. 18[3said 1For 2John] to Herod that, It is not allowed to you to have the wife of your brother. 19 But Herodias held it against him, and wanted to kill him; and was not able. 20 For Herod feared John, knowing him [4man 1as a righteous 2and 3holy], and he preserved him. And having heard of him, [2many things 1he did], and with pleasure heard him. 21And [3having become 2day 1an opportune], when Herod [3for his birthday 2a supper 1made] to his great men, and to the commanders of thousands, and to the first ones of Galilee; 22and [2having entered 1her daughter], the one of Herodias, and dancing, and pleasing Herod, and the ones reclining together with him, [3said 1the 2king] to the young woman, Ask me what ever you should want, and I will give it to you! 23And he swore by an oath to her that, What ever [2me 1you should ask], I will give to you, unto half of my kingdom. 24And she having gone forth said to her mother, What shall I ask? And she said, The head of John the baptist. 25And having entered immediately with haste to the king, she asked saying, I want that you give to me immediately upon a platter the head of John the baptist. 26And [4dejected 3being 1the 2king] because of the oaths, and of the ones reclining together with him, did not want to disregard her. 27And [3immediately 4having sent 1the 2king] a guard, gave orders [2to be brought 1for his head]. And having gone forth he beheaded him in the prison. 28And he brought his head upon a platter, and he gave it to the young woman. And the young woman gave it to her mother. 29And having heard, his disciples came and lifted his corpse, and put it in the tomb. 30And [3gathered together 1the 2apostles] to Jesus, and they reported to him all, even as much as they did, and as much as they taught. 31And he said to them, You come by yourselves in private unto a desolate place, and rest a little! [7were 1For 2the ones 3coming 4and 5the ones 6going] many; and not even [2to eat 1did they have an opportune time]. 32And he went forth unto a desolate place in the boat in private. 33And they beheld them going away, and [2recognized 3him 1many], and [3on foot 4from 5all 6the 7cities 1they ran together 2there], and they went forth, and came together to him. 34And having come forth, [2beheld 1Jesus] a great multitude, and he was moved with compassion over them, for they were as sheep not having a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things.

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

35And already the hour [2great 1having been], [2having come forward 3to him 1his disciples], say that, It is a desolate place, and already [2hour 1it is a great]. 36Dismiss them! that having gone forth into the [2round about 1fields], and towns, they should buy to themselves bread loaves; [3anything 1for 4they shall eat 2they do not have]. 37And he answering said to them, You give to them yourselves something to eat! And they say to him, Having gone forth should we buy two hundred denarii of bread loaves, and should we give to them to eat? 38And he says to them, How many bread loaves do you have? Go and see! And having known, they say, Five and two fishes. 39And he gave orders to them to lie all down, parties by parties, upon the green grass. 40And they reclined, plot by plot, by hundreds, and by fifties. 41And having taken the five bread loaves and the two fishes, having looked up into the heaven, he blessed. And he broke off in pieces of the bread loaves, and he gave to his disciples, that they should place near to them; and the two fishes he portioned to all. 42And all ate, and were filled. 43And they took up [4of pieces 1twelve 2hampers 3full], and of the fishes. 44And [5were 1the ones 2having eaten 3of the 4bread loaves] about five thousand men.

Jesus Walks on the Sea

45And immediately he compelled his disciples to step into the boat, and to lead to the other side to Bethsaida, until he should dismiss the multitude. 46And having dismissed them, he went forth into the mountain to pray. 47And [2evening 1having become], [3was 1the 2boat] in the middle of the sea, and he was alone upon the land. 48And he beheld them being tormented in the rowing; [4was 1for 2the 3wind] opposite them. And around the fourth watch of the night he comes to them, walking upon the sea, and he wanted to go by them. 49And they beholding him walking upon the sea, thought it to be a phantom, and they shouted aloud. 50For all beheld him, and were disturbed. And immediately he spoke with them, and he says to them, Take courage, I am he, do not fear! 51And he ascended to them into the boat; and [3abated 1the 2wind]. And exceedingly beyond extra [4among 5themselves 1they were amazed 2and 3marveled]. 52For they did not perceive concerning the bread loaves; [3was 1for 2their heart] calloused.

Jesus Heals at Gennesaret

53And having passed through, they came unto the land of Gennesaret, and were moored. 54And on their coming forth from out of the boat, immediately having recognized him, 55[2running 1all] round about that place, they began [2upon 3the 4litters 5the ones 7illnesses 6having 1to carry round about], where they were hearing that, He is there. 56And where ever he entered into towns or cities or fields, [4in 5the 6markets 1they put 2the ones 3being invalid]; and they appealed to him that if only [2the 3decorative hem 4of his cloak 1they could just touch]; and as many as touched him were delivered.
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