‏ Mark 7


Jesus Questioned by the Pharisees and Scribes

1And gathered together to him the Pharisees and some from the scribes, having come from Jerusalem. 2And they beholding certain ones of his disciples with common hands, that is to say unwashed, eating bread, they complained; 3for the Pharisees and all the Jews, unless [3with a fist 1they washed 2hands] they do not eat, holding the tradition of the elders. 4And coming from markets, if they should not immerse, they do not eat; and [2other things 1many] there are which they take on themselves to hold -- immersion of cups, and quart pitchers, and brass kettles, and beds. 5Thereupon [6asked 7him 1the 2Pharisees 3and 4the 5scribes], Why do your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but with unwashed hands they eat the bread? 6And he answering said to them that, Well Isaiah prophesied concerning you the hypocrites, as it has been written, This people [2with the 3lip 1esteem me], but their heart is far off at a distance from me. 7And in vain they worship me, teaching as instructions the precepts of men. 8For leaving the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men -- immersions of quart pitchers and cups, and [2other 3similar 4such things 1many] you do. 9And he said to them, Well you annul the commandment of God, that [2your tradition 1you give heed to]. 10For Moses said, Esteem your father and your mother! And, Let the one speaking evil of father or mother [2in death 1come to an end]! 11But you say, If [2should say 1a man] to a father or to a mother, Corban, (which is a gift offering) what ever of me you should derive benefit. 12And no longer you allow him [2anything 1to do] to his father or to his mother, 13voiding the word of God by your tradition which you delivered; and [2similar 3such things 1many] you do.

Defilement Comes from Within

14And having called all the multitude, he said to them, Hear me all, and perceive! 15There is nothing from outside of man entering into him which is able to make him unclean; but the things going forth from him, those are the things making [3unclean 1the 2man]. 16If any has ears to hear let him hear! 17And when he entered into a house from the multitude, [2asked 3him 1his disciples] concerning the parable. 18And he says to them, Thus also you are senseless? Do you not comprehend that everything from outside entering into a man is not able to make him unclean. 19For it enters not into his heart, but into the belly; and into the bowel it goes forth, cleansing all the foods. 20And he said that, The thing [2from out of 3the 4man 1going forth], that defiles the man. 21For from inside out of the heart of men [3thoughts 2evil 1goes forth], adulteries, harlotries, murders, 22frauds, desires for wealth, wickednesses, treachery, lewdness, [2eye 1a wicked], blasphemy, pride, folly. 23All these evils from inside go forth and defile the man.

The Belief of the Greek Woman

24And from there having risen up, he went forth into the boundaries of Tyre and Sidon. And he entered into the house, [2no one 1wanting] to know, but he was not able to be unaware. 25[3having heard 1For 2a woman] about him, of which [3had 2young daughter 1her 5spirit 4an unclean], having come fell at his feet. 26[4was 1And 2the 3woman] a Greek, Syro-phoenician by race, and she asked him that [2the 3demon 1he should cast out] from her daughter. 27And Jesus said to her, Allow [3first 4to be filled 1the 2children]! [3not 1for 4good 2it is] to take the bread of the children, and to throw it to the little dogs. 28And she answered and says to him, Yes, O Lord, but even the little dogs underneath the table eat from the crumbs of the children. 29And he said to her, On account of this word, go! [3has come forth 1the 2demon] from out of your daughter. 30And having gone forth unto her house, she found the demon having gone forth, and the daughter being laid upon the bed.

Jesus Heals the Deaf Mute

31And again having come forth from the borders of Tyre and Sidon, he came to the sea of the Galilee, in the midst of the borders of Decapolis. 32And they bring to him a deaf-mute stammering. And they appeal to him that he should place upon him his hand. 33And taking him away from the multitude in private, he put his fingers into his ears, and having spit touched his tongue. 34And having looked up into the heaven, he moaned, and says to him, Ephphatha, which is, Be opened wide! 35And immediately were opened wide his hearing faculties, and [4was untied 1the 2bond 3of his tongue], and he spoke rightly. 36And he warned them that [2to no one 1they should speak]. But as much as he warned them, rather more extra they proclaimed. 37And more exceedingly they were overwhelmed, saying, [2all things well 1He has done]. Both the deaf he makes to hear, and the speechless to speak.
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