‏ Micah 7


Wait Upon The LORD

1Alas, for I became as one gathering stubble in a harvest, and as [2grape gleanings 1one gathering] where there does not exist a cluster of [2grapes 3to eat 1first-ripe], which [2longs after 1my soul]. Woe O soul. 2For [2is destroyed 1the reverent one] from the earth; and [3one keeping straight 4among 5men 1there does not 2exist]. All [2unto 3blood 1adjudicate]; each [2his neighbor 1squeezes out] by oppression; 3[3for 4evil 2their hands 1they prepare]; the ruler asks for gifts, and the judge [2peaceable 3words for bribes 1speaks]. [2the wish 3of his soul 1It is]. 4And I will take out their good things, as a moth chews away, and one proceeding by the rule in the day of the watch. Woe, your punishments came, now there shall be their weeping. 5Do not confide in friends; do not hope upon leaders; of your bed-mate watch out to not present anything to her. 6For the son dishonors the father; the daughter rises up against her mother, the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; enemies are all the men, the ones in his own house. 7But I [2upon 3my lord 1will look]; I will wait upon the lord my deliverer. [2will listen to 3me 1My God]. 8Rejoice not against me, O my enemy! for I have fallen and I will rise up. For if I shall sit in the darkness, the lord will give light to me. 9The anger of the lord I shall endure, for I sinned against him, until he does justice to my cause, and shall execute my judgment. He shall lead me into the light; I shall see his righteousness. 10And [2shall see 1my enemy] and shall wear shame, saying to me, Where is the lord your God? My eyes shall scrutinize her, now she will be for trampling upon as mud in the ways. 11A day of plastering of brick is your wiping out, and [2shall be thrust away 1your laws] in that day. 12And your cities shall come unto leveling, and into partition by the Assyrians; and [3cities 1your 2fortified] for partitioning from Tyre unto the river, and from sea unto sea, and from mountain unto mountain. 13And [3will be 1the 2land] for extinction with the ones dwelling it, because of the fruits of their practices. 14Tend your people with your rod, the sheep of your inheritance, the ones encamping by themselves in a forest, in the midst of Carmel! They shall feed Bashan, and Gilead, according to the days of the eon. 15And according to the days of your departure from the land of Egypt, I will show to them wonderful things. 16[2shall see 1Nations] and shall be disgraced, even of all their strength. They shall place hands over their mouth, their ears shall be deafened. 17They shall lick dust as serpents dragging on the earth; they shall be confounded in their confinement; by the lord our God they shall be amazed, and shall fear from you. 18What God is as you, removing iniquities and passing over impiety to the remnants of his inheritance? [2is not constrained 3for 4a testimony 1His anger], for [2a wisher 3of mercy 1he is]. 19He shall turn and shall pity us; he shall sink our iniquities, and shall throw away into the depths of the sea all our sins. 20He shall give truth to Jacob, mercy to Abraham, in so far as you swore an oath to our fathers, according to the [2days 1former].
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