‏ Psalms 104


The LORD Creates the Earth in Wisdom

A psalm to David.

1Bless [3O my soul 1the 2 lord]! O lord my God, you are magnified exceedingly. [2acknowledgment 3and 4majesty 1You clothed yourself with]; 2cloaking on light as a garment; stretching out the heaven as a hide covering; 3 roofing [2with 3waters 1his upper rooms]; placing clouds for his step; the one walking upon the wings of the winds; 4the one making his angels winds, and his ministers [2of fire 1a flame]; 5the one laying the foundation for the earth in its stability (it shall not lean into the eon of the eon); 6the deep as a garment of his wrap. Upon the mountains [2shall stand 1waters]; 7from your reproach they shall flee; from the sound of your thunder they shall show timidity. 8They ascend the mountains, and go down to the plains, to a place where you laid a foundation for them. 9[2a limit 1You placed] which they shall not pass, nor shall they return to cover the earth. 10The one sending out springs in ravines; [3in the midst 4of the 5mountains 2shall go through 1waters]; 11they shall water all the wild beasts of the field; [2shall receive it 1wild donkeys] for their thirst; 12by them the winged creatures of the heaven shall encamp; from between the rocks they shall give out a sound; 13watering mountains from out of his upper rooms. By the fruit of your works [3shall be filled 1the 2earth]. 14The one causing [2to rise up 1grass] to the cattle, and tender shoots to the service of the men, to bring bread from the earth; 15and wine makes glad the heart of man; to make [2happy 1his face] with olive oil; and bread [2the heart 3of man 1supports]. 16[5shall be filled 1The 2woods 3of the 4plain] with the cedars of Lebanon which you planted. 17There the sparrows will nest; [2of the 3heron 1the dwelling] takes lead over them; 18[2mountains 1the high] for the stags; a rock of refuge for the hyrax. 19He made the moon for seasons; the sun knows his setting. 20You made darkness, and [2happened 1night]; [7in 8it 6go 1all 2the 3wild beasts 4of the 5forest]. 21Lion cubs roaring to seize by force; and seeking from God food for themselves. 22[3arose 1The 2sun], and they were brought together, and in their lairs they shall lay down. 23[2shall go forth 1Man] unto his work, even unto his work until evening. 24How [2were magnified 1your works], O lord; [2all 3in 4wisdom 1you made]; [3was filled 1the 2earth] of your creation; 25this the [2sea 1great] and broad space; located there are reptiles which there is no count; living creatures -- small with the great; 26there boats travel over; this dragon whom you shaped to sport in it. 27All [2from 3you 1expect] to give them nourishment in an opportune time. 28At your giving to them, they shall collect; opening your hand, all things shall be filled by that which is good. 29But at the turning of your face they shall be disturbed; you shall take away in return their spirit, and they shall fail, and unto their dust they shall return. 30You shall send out your spirit, and they shall be created; and you shall renew the face of the earth. 31Let [4be 1the 2glory 3of the lord] into the eons! The lord shall be glad over his works; 32the one looking upon the earth, and making it to tremble; the one touching the mountains and they smoke. 33I shall sing to the lord in my life. I shall strum to my God while I exist. 34Let [2be delicious 3to him 1my versification], and I shall be glad in the lord. 35[2failed 1Sinners] from the earth, and lawless ones so as for [2to not 3exist 1them]. Bless [3O my soul 1the 2 lord]!
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