‏ Psalms 132


The LORD Chose Zion

An ode of the steps.

1Remember, O lord, David and all his gentleness! 2As he swore by an oath to the lord; he made a vow to the God of Jacob, saying, 3Shall I enter into the tent of my house, no. Shall I ascend unto the bier of my stewn bed, no. 4Shall I give sleep to my eyes, and [2to 3my eyelids 1slumber], and rest to my temples, no; 5not until of which time I shall find a place for the lord, a tent for the God of Jacob? 6Behold, we heard her in Ephratah; we found her in the plains of the groves. 7We shall enter into his tents; we shall do obeisance in the place of which [2stood 1his feet]. 8Rise up, O lord, unto your rest, you and the ark of your sanctuary! 9 Your priests shall put on righteousness, and your sacred ones shall exult. 10Because of David your servant you should not turn away the face of your anointed one. 11The lord swore by an oath to David in truth, and in no way shall he annul it, saying, [4from 5the fruit 6of your belly 1I will establish 2upon 3your throne]. 12If [3shall guard 2sons 1your] my covenant, and [2my testimonies 1these] which I shall teach them, then their sons [4unto 5the 6eon 1shall sit 2upon 3your throne]. 13For the lord chose Zion; he took it for a dwelling to himself, saying, 14This is my rest into the eon of the eon; here I shall dwell, for I took her. 15 Her game being a blessing, I shall bless; her poor I will fill with bread loaves; 16 Her priests I will clothe with deliverance; and her sacred ones [2in exultation 1shall exult]. 17There I will cause [2to rise up 1the horn] to David; I prepared a lamp for my anointed one. 18 His enemies I will clothe with shame; but upon him [2shall blossom 1my sanctification].
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