‏ Psalms 135


The Greatness of The LORD


1Praise the name of the lord! Praise, O servants, the lord, 2O ones standing in the house of the lord, in the courtyards of the house of our God! 3Praise the lord, for the lord is good! Strum to his name, for it is good! 4For [3chose Jacob 4for himself 1the 2 lord]; Israel for a prized possession to himself. 5For I know that [3is great 1the 2 lord], and our lord is above all the gods. 6All as much as [3wanted 1the 2 lord] he did in the heaven, and on the earth, in the seas, and in all the deeps. 7Leading clouds from the end of the earth, [2lightnings 3in 4rain 1he made]. The one leading winds from his treasuries. 8The one who struck the first-born of Egypt, from man unto beast. 9He sent out signs and miracles in the midst of you, O Egypt, on Pharaoh, and among all his servants. 10The one who struck [2nations 1many], and killed [2kings 1strong]; 11 Sihon king of the Amorites, and Og king of Bashan, and all the kingdoms of Canaan. 12And he gave their land for an inheritance; an inheritance to Israel his people. 13O lord, your name is into the eon, and your memorial unto generation and generation. 14For the lord shall judge his people, and concerning his servants he shall be comforted. 15The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the works of the hands of men. 16[2a mouth 1They have], and they shall not speak; [2eyes 1they have] and they shall not see; 17[2ears 1they have] and they shall not give ear; and neither is a breath in their mouth. 18[6likened 7to them 1May 5become 2the ones 3making 4them], and all the ones yielding upon them. 19O house of Israel, bless the lord! O house of Aaron, bless the lord! 20O house of Levi, bless the lord! O ones fearing the lord, bless the lord! 21Blessed be the lord in Zion, the one dwelling in Jerusalem.
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