‏ Psalms 18


The LORD is Our Deliverance

To the director; to the servant of the lord; to David; what he spoke to the lord; the words of this ode, in the day in which [3rescued 4him 1the 2 lord] from out of the hand of all his enemies, and from out of the hand of Saul. And he said;

1I shall love you, O lord, of my strength. 2The lord is my firmament, and my refuge, and my rescuer. My God is my helper, and I will hope upon him; my defender and horn of my deliverance, and my shielder. 3In praising, I will call upon the lord; and from my enemies I shall be delivered. 4[3compassed 4me 1Pangs 2of death], and rushing streams of lawlessness disturbed me. 5Pangs of Hades surrounded me; [3anticipated 4me 1snares 2of death]. 6And in my being afflicted I called upon the lord, and to my God I cried out. He heard [2from out of 4temple 3his holy 1my voice], and my cry before him shall enter into his ears. 7And it was shaken; and trembling took place on the earth; and the foundations of the mountains were disturbed and shaken; for [2was provoked to anger 3by them 1God]. 8[2ascended 1Smoke] in his anger, and fire from in front of him. [2shall be ignited 1Coals]; they were lit by him. 9And he leaned the heavens, and came down, and dimness was under his feet. 10And he mounted upon cherubim, and he spread out; he spread out upon wings of winds. 11And he established darkness for his concealment. Round about him was his tent; dark water in clouds of air. 12From the radiance of his presence the clouds went by; hail and coals of fire. 13And [2thundered 3from out of 4heaven 1the lord], and the highest uttered his voice. 14And he sent out arrows, and dispersed them; and [2lightnings 1he multiplied], and disturbed them. 15And appeared the springs of waters; and [5were uncovered 1the 2foundations 3of the 4inhabitable world] from your reproach, O lord, from the blasting breath of your anger. 16He sent from the height, and he took me; he took me to himself from out of [2waters 1many]. 17He will rescue me from [3enemies 1my 2mighty], and from the ones detesting me; for they are more solidified than me. 18They went before me in the day of my ill-treatment, and the lord became my support. 19And he brought me into an enlargement. He shall rescue me, for he wanted me. 20And [2shall recompense 3to me 1the lord] according to my righteousness; even according to the cleanliness of my hands he will recompense to me. 21For I guarded the ways of the lord, and did not impiously depart from my God. 22For all his judgments are before me; and his ordinances did not leave from me. 23And I will be unblemished with him; and I shall guard myself from my lawlessness. 24And [2shall recompense 3to me 1the lord] according to my righteousness, and according to the cleanliness of my hands before his eyes. 25With the sacred you shall be sacred; and with [2man 1the innocent] you shall be innocent; 26and with the choice one, you will be choice; and with the crooked you shall turn aside from. 27For you [3people 2the humble 1will deliver], and the eyes of the proud you will humble. 28For you shall light my lamp, O lord my God; you shall lighten my darkness. 29For by you I shall be rescued from the band of marauders; and by my God I shall pass over the wall. 30 My God -- unblemished is his way. The oracles of the lord are tried by fire. He is a defender of all the ones hoping upon him. 31For who is God besides the lord? Or who is God besides our God? 32 God is the one girding me with power, and makes [2unblemished 1my way]; 33the one readying my feet as a stag, and [3upon 4the 5high places 1setting 2me]; 34teaching my hands for war; and you made [2as the bow 3of brass 1my arms]; 35and you gave to me a shielding deliverance; and your right hand takes hold of me; and your instruction re-erects me unto the end; and your instruction itself teaches me. 36You widened my footsteps underneath me, and [2weakened not 1my soles]. 37I shall pursue my enemies and overtake them; and I will not return until whenever they should cease. 38I shall squeeze them, and in no way should they be able to stand; they shall fall under my feet. 39And you girded me in power for war; you bound hand and foot all the ones rising up against me underneath me. 40And [4of my enemies 1you gave 2to me 3the back]; and the ones detesting me you utterly destroyed. 41They cried out [3and 4there was no one 5delivering 1to 2the lord], and he did not hear them. 42And I will make them as fine as dust against the face of the wind; as mud in the squares I will grind them. 43You shall rescue me from a dispute of people; you shall place me at the head of nations; a people whom I knew not shall serve to me; 44in the hearing of the ear they obeyed me. [2sons 1Alien] lied to me. 45[2sons 1Alien] grew old and became lame from their paths. 46The lord lives, and blessed is God, and [4is raised up high 1the 2God 3of my deliverance]. 47The God, the one granting acts of vengeance to me, and submitting peoples under me; 48 my rescuer from my enemies prone to anger. [2from 3the ones 4rising up 5against 6me 1You raised me up high]; from [2man 1the unjust] you shall rescue me. 49On account of this I shall make acknowledgment to you among the nations, O lord, and to your name I shall strum; 50the one magnifying the deliverance of the king; and appointing mercy to his anointed one, to David and to his seed unto the eon.
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