‏ Psalms 8


The LORD is Wonderful

To the director; for the wine vats; a psalm to David.

1O lord, our Lord, how wonderful is your name in all the earth. For [2was lifted 1your majesty] up above the heavens. 2From out of the mouths of infants and ones nursing you ready praise because of your enemies, to depose the enemy and the avenger. 3For I shall see the heavens, the works of your fingers; the moon and stars which you founded. 4What is man that you remember him? or a son of man that you visit him? 5You lessened him short of any of the angels; with glory and honor you crowned him; 6and you placed him over the works of your hands. All things you submitted underneath his feet -- 7sheep and oxen all together, and still also the cattle of the plain, 8the winged creatures of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea -- the ones traveling over the paths of the seas. 9O lord, our Lord, how wonderful is your name in all the earth.
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