‏ Titus 2


Qualities of Christian Behavior

1But you speak what is becoming for sound instruction. 2Old men are to be sober, serious, discreet, being sound in the belief, in the love, in the endurance. 3Old women likewise with [2character 1a consecrated], not slanderers, not [3wine 2to much 1being enslaved], teachers of virtue. 4That [3are to be of a sound mind 1the 2young women], to be ones loving their husbands, ones fond of children, 5discreet, pure, housekeepers, good, ones being submitted to their own husbands, that [5not 1the 2word 3of God 4should] be blasphemed. 6The younger men likewise enjoin to be of a sound mind. 7In all things [2yourself 1making] a model of good works, in teaching, integrity, seriousness, incorruptibility, 8[2word 1sound], not open to condemnation, that the one at opposite should be ashamed, [2nothing 1having 5concerning 6us 4to say 3heedless]. 9Bondmen [2to their own 3masters 1are to be submitted], in everything to be well-pleasing, not disputing, 10not pilfering, but [4belief 2all 1demonstrating 3good], that the teaching [2our deliverer 1of God] should be adorned in all things. 11[5appeared 1For 2the 3favor 4of God] -- the deliverance to all men, 12correcting us, that denying impiety and the worldly desires, sanely and righteously and piously we should live in the present eon, 13awaiting the blessed hope and grandeur of the glory of the great God and our deliverer Jesus Christ; 14who gave himself for us, that he should ransom us from all lawlessness, and should cleanse to himself [2people 1a prized], zealous of good works. 15These things speak, and encourage, and reprove with all command! [2no one 4you 1Let 3speculate about]!
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